designer resources
Design professionals recommend Fiber-Seal for the following reasons:
How we work with designers
It’s simple. We don’t ask you to recommend us or guarantee our work. We simply ask that you mention Fiber-Seal to each of your clients’ AND THEN TELL US! We will take it from there.
We will make an appointment at the convenience of your residential or commercial client, evaluate the best ways to care for their furnishings, and explain our customized fabric treatment products and our complimentary service policy for spot and spill emergencies. We will offer a no-obligation estimate once we establish their needs, concerns and how we can help them.
Continuing education
Part of our commitment to design professionals is to stay current on trends in fibers, fabrics, carpeting and rugs.
To help you stay up to date, we offer fabric-related publications on the Fiber-Seal corporate website.
In addition, to better educate you on caring for soft surfaces, Fiber-Seal Systems regularly conducts complimentary CEU webinars or in-person CEU courses about “Hard Facts About Soft Surfaces.” Other topics are currently under development and will be available soon.